Our Services

Our site is a Department of Education and Child Development DECD preschool.

Our core business is to provide age appropriate early learning experiences that maximise your child’s lifelong learning journey.

Children attend preschool for 15 hours a week in their year before going into school. The public system has a single intake each year and children will need to be 4 years of age by May 1st to attend preschool that year.

If your child has health or learning needs or you have any concerns in regards to their development and how this impacts on their preschool or school readiness please contact the Director.


Programs operating at the preschool

Sessional Kindergarten
  • 2 full day sessions per week for four terms.
  • The session starts at 8.15am and ends at 3.45pm.
  • This program operates on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Extended Care
  • In case of emergencies
Bilingual Support and Preschool Support
  • Is provided by the Department for Education and Child Development for eligible children.

Department for Education trading as South Australian Government Schools & Preschools

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